Go From Dabbling Designer to Digital Da Vinci



No Stinkin' Design Degree Required.

April 24

  • Discover 5 painless design hacks to manipulate, morph, and master graphics in Canva Pro – making every template uniquely yours

  • Kill those creative blocks and kick open the floodgates of originality with AI-powered brainstorming tips and new tools

  • Leave with a finished animated graphic for your marketing

Wed, April 24 @ 7PM EST

"Nicole is such a faucet of creativity and ideas that you can’t help but become more creative yourself, just by working alongside her.

Watching her use AI tools gives me ideas for how I can use ChatGPT and Canva in my own business, and makes me want to block whole chunks of creative time just to noodle on her ideas."

email marketing expert

Tarzan Kay

Eliminate The Endless Scrolling Through Templates wondering,

Or the temptation to try every new tool and end up with a Frankendesign.

“What in the name of Comic Sans should I use?”

And definitely forget that sinking feeling of "creative" inadequacy...

Make every pixel pop with personality.

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Here's what you can expect:

  • Done-With-You Design - Step-by-step, I'll walk you through my process of creating graphics that tell a story and generate clicks
  • 90 minutes of Design Play - Fall deeply into your creative flow and enjoy making visual eye candy for your brand
  • Constructive Design Critiques - I'll take a peek at your work and give you tips for turning up the volume on your vision

"I learn soooo much from watching Nicole in action. I've taken what I've absorbed, experimented, and now canva is my 'escape' from 'real' work.

If you're a solopreneur, a social media manager, a creative, or have a pulse,  you should take this workshop. It's always fun co-creating with Nik and your designs will get so much better."

Meta Ads Specialist, Jam Ads agency

Jen Clausnitzer

I also answer to “Hey, you! Make our sales page not look like a dumpster fire, will ya?”

Heya, I'm Nik.

I'm your host for this design par-tay.

Twenty-odd years ago, I began as a ‘marketing assistant’ (which was really code for ‘do whatever we don't know how to do.’) This is where I learned to muscle through clunky design software, wrangle complex tools, and miraculously make stuff look so damn gooooood.

What I've had is a relentless curiosity, a knack for turning design nightmares into a pretty profit, and a mindset that morphed me into a sales engine strategist who’s helped businesses bring their work online and generate millions of dollars doing what they love.

My clients have called me “Creative Swiss Army knife,” but here’s my secret for becoming a Digital Da Vinci:

I've never taken a graphic design class, and I don't have an art degree.

I distill two decades of guerilla learning and tinkering with design software into doable digital design tricks you can take and make your own.

Over 90 minutes, you’ll get playful with Canva tools, tap into your creative flow, and leave with a finished animated graphic for your marketing.

In The Canva Clinic,

With tools like Canva — you can channel your inner designer, too.

It’s just a matter of knowing what you have to work with, what’s possible, and learning a few “rules” so you can decide when to break them.

BONUS: Design tools are easier to use now than ever!

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maybe you've seen some of my work with...

Sound like a good time?

    Make every pixel pop with personality.

    Live • Wed • Apr 24 • 7pm est • 6pm cst • 5pm mst • 4pm pst


    Sign up below for a free spot during the live call.

    Can't make it that night? Register anyway. I'll send a replay.

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